Top 5 Favorite SWL Antennas

Your antenna is the most critical part of your shortwave listening (SWL) setup. You could have the best radio on the planet, but if your antenna isn't up to par, your performance will suffer. Today, I'm counting down my favorite antennas for SWL. Let's dive in!

5. Random Wire Antenna

Starting out the list at number five is the tried and true Random Wire Antenna. The idea here is to get some wire in the air—length doesn't matter. We aim to get the best reception with minimal effort. You can run the wire between trees, around a fence, or zigzag it in the attic. While it might not be the best antenna, I chose this one for its convenience. Since it's a monopole antenna, for best results, make sure to connect your radio to an earth ground.

4. Magnetic Loop Antenna

Coming in at number four is the Magnetic Loop Antenna. There are many variations of this antenna, but the benefits are the same. Its small size makes it easy to deploy and can be hidden in an attic if you have deed restrictions. Loop antennas have strong nulls on the sides, making them directional, which can be beneficial to null out interfering stations. Because of this, the loop antenna is a popular choice for direction finding.

3. Sky Loop Antenna

At number three on the list is the Sky Loop Antenna. With this wire antenna, bigger is better. You want to make your loop as large as possible—over 600 feet is good. You don't have to make a circle; a square shape is fine. The idea is to get as much wire in the air as possible. You can use multiple trees on your property as support. Since both ends of the single wire connect to the coax cable, this is a terminated antenna, which gives you a lower noise floor.

2. Beverage Antenna

Number two on the list is the Beverage Antenna. This is another terminated antenna, but the wire is run in a straight line. You'll need some land for this behemoth; a good length is 650 to 1600 feet. The antenna is usually hung around six to ten feet high. The coax is connected to one end of the wire with a ground and a balun, and a resistor to ground is used to terminate the other end, giving it a low noise floor. This antenna is extremely directional, making it an excellent choice for DX work.

1. Terminated Folded Dipole (T2FD)

At number one on the list is the Terminated Folded Dipole (T2FD). Developed in the 1940s by the Navy, this antenna takes the top spot for its all-around performance and low noise floor. It's a great performer in high-noise urban areas, and some even claim it's insensitive to man-made radio interference. This antenna is constructed from two equal pieces of wire connected to a 4:1 balun, with the ends folded back to the center and terminated with a non-inductive resistor. This gives the antenna a smaller footprint and can be concealed easily in an attic or other areas. Most often, this antenna is mounted sloping at a 20 to 40-degree angle to make it more omnidirectional, giving it the name T2FD.

And that's my top five favorite antennas for shortwave listening. The right antenna can significantly enhance your shortwave listening experience. Each of the antennas mentioned offers unique benefits, from the convenience of the Random Wire Antenna to the exceptional performance of the Terminated Folded Dipole. Whether you have limited space or ample land, there's an option that fits your needs. Exploring these antennas can open up new possibilities in your SWL endeavors. Ultimately, the best antenna is the one that meets your specific listening goals and environmental constraints.

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